Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Public transport *gasp*

Today was pretty uneventful, but still fun:)

However, usually when I come back from school I take a tram two stops then a train about 5 or 6 stops. However today when I got to the train station the sign that usually says when the next train is arriving said that the train wasn't operating between the station I was at and 3 others. In order to understand what a catastrophe this is, you must first understand that the Swiss public transportation is literally one of the best in the world, and they are very very proud of the clean, safe, and most importantly, very very very punctual public transport system (as they should be). So this is a big big deal and there was quite a bit of grumbling, despite the fact that there was the biggest bus I have ever seen (like literally four buses stapled together) to take us all the three stations to where the train was operating again. So that was weird. Usually the trains, teams, and buses are perfectly punctual, down to the second. It was entertaining. 

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