Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What is this magic?!

I have a spider bite on my ankle that has caused it to swell. I am not happy with this new development. At all. However, I Googled what a brown recluse bite looks like, and they are huge. So at least I know that it is probably not life-threatening. Just kidding.
Today we got crepes that we ordered a while ago as a fundraiser for the French club. I got a cinnamon crepe for lunch and it was the most delicious thing ever. Seriously.
It was definitely a most exciting day... Oooohhhh! We actually had homework!!! Math homework! I had to do three whole problems at home... I almost couldn't handle the workload.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The School System Is A Joke

So, today I went back to school after a 3-day weekend... *woop woop*
1st period: French. I love the language and the teacher, but one of the kids asked what the word "deafen" meant.
2nd period: Choir! Nothing to say. I love to sing.
3rd period: 21st Century Literacies. We had a lady come in to tell us about how difficult sophomore year is going to be. They tell us that every year, that "the next year of school is going to be soooo tough!"
4th period: English. We wrote an essay. It was fun.:)
5th period: Math. I played on my friend's phone the. Entire. Time. I just did the math homework that he assigned in about 15 minutes. Easy.
6th period: Biology. This class is fun. We have a good teacher. And we learned stuff. Woot.
7th period: P.E. Easy, but fun.

Rant time is over now.

Work work work

Yesterday I got up early (9 am), cleaned the lab, cleaned my fishtank, did laundry, then babysat two crazy little kids for the rest of the day.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Day of Misjudgment

So today we decided to go on a bike ride with some family friends... A 2 hour drive away, of course. 

Right when we get there, my dad decides to try out the bear spray. He figures since there's barely any wind, it'll be easy not to get any bear spray on ourselves. Well, actually when there's barely any wind, the bear spray just hangs out in the same general area. So everyone gets a face full of bear spray. That stuff is not exactly fun to get in your eyes, and the effects don't go away for a long time.

We bike up, take a walk down a mini trail, and then are biking down when Gage and I speed up. Then a sharp turn comes up, and I barely make it around without crashing. I see Gage just behind me going way too fast, and he crashes right into the side of the hill past the turn. He has bruises and a few scrapes, but he was lucky enough not to be too injured.

I just looked up how to treat bear spray if it gets on your skin, because my arms and legs burn a little bit still. Apparently showers only serve to irritate it more. So whoop-de-whoop for this girl, who just took a shower. Agh.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

This Just In: Sleeping in until 11:30 may mean you miss out on life

Yesterday morning, I slept in until about 11:30. Not a big deal, right?
Well... I come from a family of early risers, so apparently my entire family went to breakfast, came back, and then left again all without me, whilst I was blissfully sleeping the day away.
Oh well... Sleeping is preferable to going out in public. :)

Also, I was invited back to the other dance  recital, which was super fun. I got to perform my dance with my friends one last time. This is Regan and I in the dressing room:)

Also, my best friend Katie and I went to Walmart and got tshirt supplies to DIY our own shirts. I also met one of my speech coaches at Walmart... It's a small world. Anyway, Katie drew a picture of the Eiffel Tower on her shirt, and I did a version of Taylor Swift's shirt from her music video "22". It turned out way better than I expected!

I also kind of ran into a door a little bit. With my pinky toe. It's awkwardly red and not happy-looking...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer weather!! (Not really)

It's Friday!! It seems like this has been a really long week... Only 11 days left of school!
After our "fitness day" in P.E. today last period (basically a day where we run the entire period) my friend Kayli and I were super tired and exhausted, so naturally we decided to go jump into a lake. In Montana. In May. When it can either be snowing or be as beautiful as it has been the past few weeks. 
Let's just say it was cold. Very cold.
But it was also super fun. Afterwards we watched movies and ate pizza and talked about school and stuff:)It was awesome. I hope this pretty weather continues!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Technology Is Annoying

So today I was planning on finishing my online English class. But then the entire website decided to be a poop and shut down. The entire server was down according to a different site. Lovely.
So I played piano for a long time:)
It was refreshing.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Certificates and stuff?!?

Yesterday evening was the last choir concert of the year... :( But it went amazingly.

At the end of the year, apparently every activity gives out a bunch of certificates and awards....
So I received two for participating in District Music Festival (One for my solo and one for my duet), and a certificate saying that I volunteered 32 hours at the hospital! Yay:) And supposedly if I manage to get 90 hours of community service hours, I get a half credit for school. So that's exciting...


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Boring Sunday...

It's a church Sunday. I cleaned the lab.
And I need to finish this test before I go to bed. Merh. I don't want to.
Does someone want to come do my homework for me? I'll reward you with... a paperclip, a copy of "The Crucible", a blue light-up pen, and a package of Oreos...
I guess I'll have to do it myself. But hey, Oreos! NomNomNom


Saturday, May 17, 2014



Welcome to my blog, where I will be trying to post every day every week probably. I will blog about the things that I do and the adventures I hope to have.
