Sunday, November 30, 2014

The plague is almost dead

Today I felt much much muuuuuch better. I had an appetite again, my fever & headache were both completely gone, and I was able to help my grandma make Christmas cookies! I am still super weak, but that's what happens when you don't feel like eating for two days... But I am staying at home tomorrow.

It also happens to be my dear friend Kiley's Sweet Sixteen! Birthday shoutout to you:)

I also got to Skype with my family! *insert embarrassing screenshot here*-just kidding. I promise once I'm back in school the posts will become a teeny bit less boring. Promise. Goodnight!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Die, plague

Today I again felt a bit better, but definitely still nowhere close to 100%. I was hungry for the first time in three days, which was good. My fever went down more and the only thing that really bothered me was my massive headache. But tomorrow I might make Christmas cookies with my grandma! Yay!

Friday, November 28, 2014

*cough cough*

So today I stayed in bed again, I felt a little bit better than yesterday, and my fever went down and then up again... So my grandma gave me some medication. Usually I don't like taking meds for smaller illnesses because I think it's better for your body to fight by itself, but this definitely helped me, and I don't have a headache or a fever anymore. I have exactly 96.8. I also got to talk to my parents on the phone for a few minutes tonight-yay! Also, a giant congratulations to Papa & Brenda!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Yeah, it's definitely the plague.

Today when I woke up I knew I wasn't going to school. I had a massive headache, I felt all shaky when I stood up, and I had a temperature of 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. So I stayed in bed all day. I slept 11 hours last night and slept about 6 or 7 more today. But I'm feeling a little bit better than this morning. Looking at my phone makes my headache worse, so I'm going to say goodnight. Happy Thanksgiving! (It's not celebrated in Switzerland, obviously)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

It's the plague

Today when I got up I already felt not so 100%. By the time I got home from school I was basically dead. I'm so tired, I'm going to bed at 8pm. I'm pretty sure the entire population of Zurich is sick. Ew. 

But singing was fun and I got a 6 (best/perfect grade) for my English participation in class. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Silly teacher

Today was another average day, except my math class in the morning was canceled 30 minutes before it started... And it was supposed to be our first day with a new math teacher. So of course I was already at school and I just had to wait until next period... Oh well. Everyone else in the class was there too. 

I also attended the singing workshop again, and I'm so excited for Friday and Saturday! Yay!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Singing workshop

Today was an average Monday, except after school I got to go sing for two hours in a choir directed by a man called Freddy Washington. He has done multiple workshop-type things in the past at the school I'm going to, and apparently this is his last one. So I got super lucky! He seems really nice, and what's best about the whole thing is that it's a choir composed of people who actually want to be there to sing, not because it's an easy A. The workshop is mostly gospel music, and it's every day this week with a concert on Friday and Saturday. It's going to be an awesome week. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Today I got up late & did chores & homework pretty much all day. My grandparents had guests for a few hours, and so I finally got to meet the adorable old lady who knits me slippers every year! Just because she is friends with my grandma she has knitted me slippers for the past few years and it's so sweet.

I also did a drawing (obviously inspired by the movie I saw last night...)
And I Skyped with the Katie Bug!!! Miss you, girlie! <3

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Today I got up late and did assorted chores throughout the day. Then at 8 I went to see the new Hunger Games movie, Mockingjay Part 1, with my class. It was so good, even though it was in German... :/ I got home really late though... But I can't wait for Part 2, especially because I'll get to see it with my friends back home. 
Something that I found super duper wacky about the movie was that there was an intermission! They literally stopped the movie right in the middle of a sentence and started it right back up again after 15 minutes. It was so weird. The reason, of course, is money... Everyone gets up at that time to get popcorn and snacks and such. Apparently all movies here are like that. Gah. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday! Week 13!

Today was an awesome day:)

I wore a pair of jeans I ripped with neon tights underneath and I got a bunch of compliments, which made me happy.

So... We thought that our music teacher was sick so we left... Turns out he was just late. Oops.

Next week I'm participating in a singing workshop! Yay! We practice every day for one week and then do a mini concert on Friday and Saturday. It's going to be super fun:)

Also, what is up with Apple & my internet?! This is not normal...? Yeah, no. The update can wait. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Long lunch!

Today I had three hours for lunch because history and study hall got canceled. Yippee! So I went into ZĂ¼rich with a bunch of other girls in my class to this adorable little underground Italian take-away place. It was so so so good:)
Then when I got home (why is it already dark at 5pm?!) I was greeted by an adorable little package sitting on my desk with the return address of  a certain Kayli. She sent me a late birthday present!! Yay! I got even more skittles:) It made my week. Thank you Kayliiiiii.

Then tonight at about 7pm I decide it would be a good idea to update my phone, because iOS 8.1.1 is available and my phone keeps sending me notifications. I figure it can't take more than a few hours, right? Well apparently I was not right. Right now it says 5 hours remaining. So... I guess I'll go to bed and cross my fingers that when I get up it'll be done? *crosses fingers*  oh wait, now it says 4 hours... I'm so confused. Is this a good sign?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The grandma:)

Today my grandma had her second eye surgery. I'm not actually entirely sure what procedure she had done (not lasik) because stuff like that grosses me out. It's somethingn to do with cleaning the lense of her eye, because apparently stuff that was white was turning yellow, but I'm not sure. Anyways, she was pretty much on the couch all day. So I went grocery shopping and made dinner on my free afternoon:)

I also got new markers! They're super colorful, and I'm excited to draw stuff with them. Yay!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Today was a pretty average day:)

I had to run for the train and I slipped in by like 2 inches. Yippee!

Today I was noticing how everyone was complaining about the cold. I didn't think it was that bad... So I liked at the weather here and the weather in Kalispell and laughed. This is right now, 10:30pm for me and 2:30pm in Kalispell. (Fahrenheit)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Barf tree?

Happy Monday!

Today as I was walking up the stairs to school I noticed a very very nasty smell. Lara told me about it before... The smell comes from a tree, and when the leaves fall down it smells like barf. Literally. It was gross.

But in other news, I got my Spanish test back today, and I improved a bunch since the last test! Yay! :)

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Today I got up late again, did homework, drew a bunch of stuff,
 and went to a concert with my grandma at a church that my grandpa was in. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Today I got up late and did homework, laundry, and doodled on stuff all day.

I made a drawing for someone's Christmas present (!!!) and did a couple teeny little doodles. Like this one:) Can you guess who it is?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday! Week 12!

Today was a good day:)

We took a Spanish test and I finished it this time... (Finished filling in all the answers) as opposed to last time where I didn't have enough time...

Then I came home and did homework. But then Kayli snap chatted me and I had to pause the homework to do this:
Yay for the weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy almost Friday!

Today I did my English presentation about American holidays, and apparently everyone liked it! Yay! I also had sport, where we again played basketball, which was super fun.

There was a random chair in the central part of the school (where there are tables to sit at for lunch and such) that was covered in painters tape and had a marker taped to it. I think it was someone's project on what teenagers will "graffiti" on something they are allowed to write on. It was really fun to read all the stuff on it.
Then I came home and did homework:) Also, here's a picture I took a few days ago when I was walking home from school. 
Yippee for it almost being Friday!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Where does the time go?

Today I had a half day of school, then went and drank coffee with seven other girls from my class. It was the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon. :)
Then I came home, did homework, and cleaned my entire room. The nice thing about having a smaller room with way less stuff is that it only takes an hour or two to completely clean it.

But seriously, how is it already almost Thursday? I was just bemoaning the fact that I had practically a whole week until the weekend, and boom, it's almost the weekend. Yippee!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sweet Sweet Sixteen

So today was the best day ever. Seriously. I woke up and went to school, where my awesome classmates had put up balloons, a banner that said "Happy Birthday", and a type of cookie called "Zimtsterne" that is never had before. Then two girls from my class and I went to Starbucks for lunch just cause.
When I came home I unwrapped my presents from my friends/family back home and was super surprised. Thank you Katie, Miranda, and Grammy Susan!

I went to dinner with my grandparents and aunt and uncle and cousins, whence was super nice. Lara and I danced around outside to loud music afterwards. (I look like I'm in pain but I'm actually very passionately singing to Taylor Swift. I promise.)
Then I came home and unwrapped my presents from my Mom & Dad & Gage. Thank you all so much!
Pretty much the best birthday in the history of ever. <3

Monday, November 10, 2014

Yeah, my Spanish teacher is cool

Today was a normal day, except that my Spanish teacher was a little weirder than he normally is. The bell rings, he comes in, hands out an assignment, tells everyone that a kid in my class named LĂ¡zaro is in charge, and walks out. So we definitely got a lot done that period... 

I'm so excited for tomorrow! Yippee for Sweet Sixteen!!! Thanks to a bunch of people who have already wished me a happy birthday<3

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Today I made cookies with my grandma for my class for my birthday. 
Only two more days until I'm 16 and can legally drink/buy alcohol in Switzerland...!

I also Skyped with Kiley and Rose:)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fancy dinner

Today I basically helped my grandma prepare a fancy dinner (fondue!) for some guests all day. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday.
(P.S. Mom, you lost your napkin-folding house-elf for the year, Oma was excited about my napkin skillzzzz)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday! Week 11!

Today I had a music test first period, which was... Interesting. All the notes have different names than they do in the U.S., and they use a different rhythm-speaking system than we do here. 

Choir was awesome as usual, and I signed up to try out for one of two solos for the concert at the end of the year. We'll see how that goes, but there were only a few other people signed up so... *crosses fingers*

On the way home from school I realized that I hadn't had coffee in a while, so of course I had to do the classic #whitegirl thing and get some. :)
I also Skyped with my mom. Miss you! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Happy day:)

Happy almost Friday!

I'm pretty sure time has never flown so fast as it has here. Even though I'm homesick sometimes and I miss so many people, I've made some amazing friends here and I know I'll remember this year forever. The school year is already 1/4 done?!?

Anyways, today I went to school and came home in the dark... But it was only 5:30. Wacky short days.

Only 5 days until my birthday! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Today I had a half-day of school (like every Wednesday) and it rained the whole day. :/. My grandma decided that for my birthday she would buy me a new umbrella, so today we went umbrella shopping. So exciting, I know. But I actually found a really cool one... :)
Also, when we were in Zurich I noticed a bunch of things hanging from the buildings and I asked my grandma about them. Apparently Zurich gets all lit up with Christmas lights during the holiday season. I'm so excited for Christmas already... Is that weird? I can't wait to see what these look like lit up though!
Tonight was a holiday called "Rabelichten", which means " turnip lighting", which means that you carve turnips (kind of like pumpkins in the U.S. But different-see the post "Happy November!" for details) and you walk through the streets where the streetlights are turned off with the lit turnips, and it looks really cool. It was super fun, even though it was raining nonstop all day today-it even snowed a teeny bit tonight! (This is a group of kids holding their turnips-you can't see it very well)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Public transport *gasp*

Today was pretty uneventful, but still fun:)

However, usually when I come back from school I take a tram two stops then a train about 5 or 6 stops. However today when I got to the train station the sign that usually says when the next train is arriving said that the train wasn't operating between the station I was at and 3 others. In order to understand what a catastrophe this is, you must first understand that the Swiss public transportation is literally one of the best in the world, and they are very very proud of the clean, safe, and most importantly, very very very punctual public transport system (as they should be). So this is a big big deal and there was quite a bit of grumbling, despite the fact that there was the biggest bus I have ever seen (like literally four buses stapled together) to take us all the three stations to where the train was operating again. So that was weird. Usually the trains, teams, and buses are perfectly punctual, down to the second. It was entertaining. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Birthday, Dad!

So today is my Dad's Birthday!^^^
Happy birthday to the most hardworking, honest person there is. I love you!

Today i got up early and went to school & then had my singing lesson, where my teacher had me try doing yoga and singing at the same time. Like I was upside down and trying to sing. I don't know about you, but yoga is actually difficult sometimes, and there is no extra air left over for singing. So that went fabulously of course.

Then I came home and did homework and ate dinner and now I'm going to bed. Wow this is so exciting. Tomorrow's post will be just as exciting, I'm sure. And the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and oh I forgot to mention that I finished my english presentation! (maybe I did already mention it but #ebolo) <<Google it<<

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Strange-smelling adventure?

Today I got up and did some studying, then ate lunch and went with my grandma to visit my great-grandmothers grave. I never knew her, but today was All Souls Day, so a lot of people were at the cemetery putting flowers and such on the graves. 

I am currently a Catholic, but I think it's dumb to believe or trust in something when you don't know what other options or viewpoints or arguments there are, so I'm very interested in learning about other religions. Well it just so happens that this week the inter-religion group (or something like that) is doing a "religion week", where every day a different religion opens their church or temple or mosque doors and anyone can come and be informed about that religion. I think that is the coolest thing ever. So today the Hindu temple that's only a 10 minute walk away from my grandmas house was doing a presentation, so we went. It was super cool. Completely different from anything I've ever seen. The only bad thing was whatever they were burning gave me a massive headache. But other than that it was fascinating. (And I did ask if it was ok to take pictures, don't worry)
Afterwards I went over to my Aunts house for her to give me a mini French lesson. Then I came home, ate dinner, and Skyped with my family. I miss you guys!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy November!

Yippee! Only 10 days until my birthday :)

Today I slept in a bit, did laundry, finished an English presentation, organized over 1,000 pictures from my phone to my laptop, and did a little bit of history homework. Then I went and hung out with Lara and took pictures at sunset, which turned out really cool. 
Before dinner Lara and I "carved" RĂ¼ben (turnips!). Apparently it is a tradition here to carve not pumpkins, but turnips. (Also, it's not to celebrate Halloween, but all saints day, I think. Don't quote me on that. I'm tired, ok?) However, they're not carved like we carve pumpkins. You hollow out the turnip, then carefully peel off the skin in the places where you want the light to shine through a bit more. It's really neat.