Saturday, January 31, 2015

URL change

I've moved URLs, in case you didn't notice... Instead of , I'm now . And today I just hung out and did laundry & homework, and helped my grandma go shopping and made dinner. A nice calm, quiet day. :) Goodnight. <3

Friday, January 30, 2015

Lazy happy Friday

Today we didn't have school (yay!) and so I hung out in my room, drew some stuff, and cleaned up. And I got to skype with my family and Kiley!<3
Have you ever heard of M.C. Escher? This is kind of inspired by him-only he did massive optical illusion drawings. This one's only about 1.5 inches big. :)

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Today I didn't have to get up until 9am because our english teacher got sick. Then we only had one period of school before a double lunch period (we went to Starbucks:))
then a "workshop" about Marijuana. *RANT WARNING (also disclaimer)*
 I have nothing against people who use marijuana. This is just my opinion. 

I was so pissed after we got done. I was actually looking forward to the presentations, because I think the things that drugs-not just illegal ones-can do to your body or brain are fascinating (and horrifying). I was expecting the usual "don't do drugs or drink alcohol because xyz will happen and you'll die" thing that schools always do.
But boy, was I wrong. The first thing we did was sit in a circle and have a discussion about a fictional story that we read. Whether or not we thought the girl in this story was addicted to smoking pot and what she could do to stop doing it. It was dead boring and my little brother would've been able to tell that this girl is supposed to be addicted. We didn't actually learn anything. Useless... 

The guy leading the presentation/discussion thing was very quiet and gave miffly piffly answers to the (very few) questions students asked. I was curious about what long-term effects marijuana could have on your body or brain, and another girl was interested in the more short-term view. He waffled about uselessly for a good five minutes and managed to avoid actually answering either question. Which I take to mean he doesn't know. Or else he would tell us, right? It's not like that's the point of the whole idea. So that was 45 minutes of wasted time, but I still had hope because the next period was a presentation from the actual police. Nope. Still useless garbage. 

They told us about the criminal part of marijuana (it is not legal in Switzerland), and what happens if you get caught in possession of, smoking, or dealing pot. However, they made sure to tell us that these weren't hard-and-fast rules, but that it "depends on the officer" and "sometimes it's just a warning-I mean, you're young and stuff". Someone asked if marijuana is a gateway drug (it's use could possibly lead to other drug abuse-cocaine, methamphetamines, etc.) and they said no. This is slightly more of an opinion thing, but honestly, who wakes up one day and decides: "I think I'm gonna do cocaine." No one. Logically it would be a slide from one drug to the next.

The whole thing made me mad. It also saddens me that six people (that I know of) of our class of 21 regularly smoke marijuana and now will care even less than they did before. (They're FRESHMEN. 15 years old.) Multiple responsible adults just told them that marijuana "isn't actually that bad". I am aware that I don't have any right to tell other people how to live their life and that's okay. I just really believe that it's a shame. Coolness isn't forever. Any health problems resulting from excessive drug abuse are. 
*end rant* *deep sigh*

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Schlepping water

It's already almost Thursday? Again? Today was fun because we didn't have any p.e., we just got to hang around in the gym. And after school I helped my grandma buy and schlep (meaning carry, drag, lug) water from the store. Most people here don't drink the tap water, not because it's unclean, but because it's just a thing that you have in your house. Bottled water. Sometimes with carbonation. But anyways, water is heavy, and I think it's ridiculous that my small, older and therefore somewhat fragile grandma should have to pull a cart full of water up a hill home every few weeks. But she'll do it anyway, because she's that way. But while I'm here I get to be the pack mule. :) Quality time with grandma. Gotta love it. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


We actually have snow! Yay! And today both the Biology and The Spanish teacher were gone, so we had a bunch of free time:) Tomorrow's a half day again too... Yay less school time!
(The view from our classroom)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Wow time to bundle up

This morning there was finally a tiny bit of snow on the ground, and when I was walking home I got caught in a lil storm. It was wonderful. Seriously. Everyone I saw was all bundled up like it was really cold when it was actually around 34 degrees Fahrenheit and the snow wasn't really sticking to the sidewalks. Silly geese. Come to Montana and experience a real winter. 
Tomorrow we don't have Biology! Free period:)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Woo homework

Today was a lazy day where I enjoyed not having to do math. Yessssss. And I did my homework. Not so much yessssss. Oh well. It was a happy lazy day and I got to talk to some of my friends form Montana. :)
Happy Birthday to my grandpa! Love you! <3

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Math final & movie night

Today I went to the Zurich International School and took my final test for my online math class. It was not fun. But I think I did pretty well on it. 
And then after dinner I Skyped with my mom<3, and then Lara came over and we ate cookie dough and watched "The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud". It stars Zach Efron. Enough said. It was fun. Happy Saturday!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday! Week something

Today I got to leave Spanish class an hour early so we had enough time to rehearse in choir for three hours with the theater people that we'll be performing with:) It was fun, and my voice basically died. Basically it was a beautiful day, and I got to eat chocolate. Woohoo for weekends and sleeping! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Philosophical discussions

Today we had two hours for lunch, and I went with six other girls from my class to the mall near the school. We literally talked the entire two hours about whether or not God is real, our purpose on Earth, etc. I love finding people my age that want to talk about random (boring to most people) stuff like religion, politics, or current events. I have friends in Montana that are into that type of stuff, but 98% of high schoolers in America aren't. And that's sad. Because younger people usually have a totally different way of looking at the world and interpreting it, and it's really cool. Ah well. Just another one of those things I am really really really going to miss about Switzerland... The younger generation's interest in actual ideas instead of One Direction.

My grandfather suddenly had a really bad backache yesterday, and barely was able to get into bed. My grandma called the doctor and the doctor gave him pain meds but they didn't do anything. They tried stronger meds that evening, and they still didn't work. So an ambulance came to pick him up and take him to the hospital this morning. Turns out he somehow broke two ribs! He has to stay for a few days until they figure out the most effective pain meds. I'm relieved that the pain wasn't something worse. Hopefully he gets better soon!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Today we had a half day like every Wednesday, and I spent the non-school part of it at home just hanging out and catching up on stuff. :) I also randomly decided to do this. 
Yay for happy days! 🎉

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rainbows and happiness

Fun fact of the day: There's a Taco Bell app, basically like the Pizza Hut one... Order from your phone and get it delivered to your house. Humans can be so relentlessly inventive when it comes to ways to be lazy. 

It was all rainy and gray today so I window-shoppedish for a few minutes because I missed my train. I really liked this shirt but I didn't get it :p It looks weird with jeans but I think it'd be cute with a skirt. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday woohoo

Today Lara came over for dinner and we hung out and talked and such:) Other than that it was a normal day... It's still bizarrely warm, today I wore converse and jeans and a 3/4 sleeve shirt and wasn't at all cold... It's weird. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cozy Sweater Weather

Today I woke up to gorgeous snow on the mountains. It honestly looked like a postcard. But my phone camera can't capture it properly. :(
 Anyways, I did homework and some drawing and went with Lara on a walk & drank hot chocolate. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nerding out

Today I read through most of the Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfeld that I got at the thrift store. It's about a sixteen-year-old girl living in a utopian version of the world 300 years in the future. Pretty much the base for 99% of popular stories today. In any case, I recommend it. :)

I also did homework and some drawing! Yay!

Friday! :)

Today was a fun day school-wise. I also got to skype with my mom and I don't have too much homework for the weekend. :)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Google translate adventures

Today was a long day... And all the girls in my class, including myself, had super bad muscle (I can't think of the word- when you're muscles are sore from overworking? Cramp? Idk-So I tried to look it up because I only know the word in German. That's really wacky. So Google translate tells me... 
I'm laughing so hard) because yesterday we had a test thing in p.e., which was actually really fun, just not so fun the next day.

Tomorrow's Friday again! Yesssss!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Music & art

Today I decided to go thrifting after school with some of my Christmas money:) It was super fun and I got some really cute stuff, but we also had a p.e. test earlier that day, and I walked from one store to the other, which was farther than I thought... So I'm really sore. Woop. Oh well!

I've been obsessed with drawing Disney stuff and listening to Lorde lately... So I was somehow inspired to doodle (guess who?) whilst listening to my Lorde playlist on Spotify... :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


It was gorgeously warm again/still today, and we had two tests, Biology and German. I think I did good on both. 🎉
But seriously, amazing weather. Ah.

Monday, January 12, 2015

It's seriously Monday again

I'm about 97% sure that yesterday was Wednesday. According to my phone it is not. *blank face*

School was nice today, and I bought new makeup *cheers*

Also, the sunset was gorgeous. :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Some sort of relative

Today we went over to my great-uncle's son's house... I have no idea how we are related. I've seen them once before in my life... So that was interesting. Then we came home and I played piano and did homework. Woopie

Happy Spring

Today I hung out with Lara and did homework all day. It was so warm we went for a walk without jackets. It was 14 degrees Celcius, which is about 57 degrees Fahrenheit! The weather is weird. It was also super super windy... Happy Spring from Switzerland!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy Friday!!!

Thank goodness it's the weekend. I want to sleep. Happy Friday!

I also got to Skype with my mom again, which was nice. <3

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Omg noodles

Today was a slightly more exciting day because study hall was canceled, so 5 of the girls in my class and I went out to eat in Zurich at a noodle place called Tsching, I believe. It was delicioussssss. 
Yay the week is almost over! Happy almost Friday!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday :)

Today was an average day and we had a half-day which was fun. Then I came home and did my homework and helped my grandma with grocery shopping and packing up Christmas decorations. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Three Kings Day

Today is Three Kings Day, so there were a few people selling little cakes that have a little plastic king in them. If you find the king in your piece then you're the king/queen for the day. A few of the girls in my class decided to buy one together and I got the king! So I got to wear the cardboard crown for the rest of the day. :)

I also finally managed to understand some stuff in Spanish after my friend explained it to me, which was nice.

I find it hilarious that this morning so many people were bundled up with scarves and hats and leg warmers and everyone was complaining about the weather when I found it quite pleasant. I didn't have a hat or anything. In my opinion it's basically springtime here. The grass is green and there are flowers blooming. It was gorgeously warm on the way back from school, and I happened to be on the same train as my grandma.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Happy Monday! Today was fun. I forgot how awesome the people in my class are. I think this is going to be a good week.

I remembered something important at school that I wanted to put in here, but I just forgot it. Whoops. 

Oh yeah! My grandma made plans for me and my grandparents & aunt & uncle & cousins to go to Spain for spring break! I'm so excited! It's going to be awesome. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

School again. Noooooo

Today I did homework and got all my stuff ready for school again. *cries*

The sky was so gorgeous today I took a bunch of pictures. And a time-lapse of the sunset. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Almost school

Today I did homework and drew stuff basically all day. It was awesome:) Can you tell what this is?
But school starts the day after tomorrow already no no nooooo

Friday, January 2, 2015

Such an exciting Friday

Today my grandparents went into Zurich for a long lunch with some friends, so I had the house to myself for the better part of the day. Which meant that I got to sing Taylor Swift songs really horribly as I walked through the house. That's definitely what normal people do when they're home alone. Yep. But I also got the chance to play piano for an hour! Yay:)

Then my grandparents came home and I helped my grandma make dinner, and Skyped with my family. Hi Gage. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015!🎉

New Years Eve I went to Dominic and Lara's for dinner, and then we played board games until early in the morning. It was really fun. :) Also, I got to drink champagne because I'm legal in Switzerland!

Today I got up wayyy late and spent the day cleaning & helping my grandma around the house and doing homework. Eh. But I did get to begin a new drawing! Yay! Can you tell what it's going to be?
I'm so excited for 2015 and everything it will bring. I think it's going to be the best year yet. Happy New Year!